A beautiful and authentic Golden Waving Lucky Cat with a golden cat belt, 'May your business be prosperous 生意興隆 ' characters on the left red banner with colourful flowers, 'Luck, Fortune Wealth& Richness 福祿富貴' characters in the centre, 'Thousands of guests coming 千客萬來' and 'Wealth flowing in 財源廣進' characters on the red banners holding by two small lucky cat, can be a symbol that brings wealth, luck and fortune to households doing business. If you purchase the lucky cat, you can place them in the house's southeast direction to increase the family's prosperity. Also, you can set the cat at the entrance so everyone who enters the door can see the cat. Additionally, you can put them at headquarters and place the cat as close to the office as possible, preferably Southeast.
Note: Power charger included. 包含專用電源
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